Important: As of July 30, 2024, this page will no longer be actively maintained. Please refer to the current version of this content here.
To access additional customization options, click on an event in your Journeys visualization, and open up the Event Menu.
Analyze as Funnel/Cohort
In order to interlope your customer path from the Journeys tool, and analyze it as a Funnel or Cohort query, select the Analyze as Funnel/Cohort menu item. Then, you'll be prompted to select an event in each previous step until you reach a singular customer journey. As you click on events going backwards, notice that your customer journeys will start to slim into a singular Journey. When you reach the starting event, your customer journey will load into the Funnel tool, or the Cohort tool, depending on your selection.
Exclude Event
In order to exclude an event from your Journeys query, select the Exclude Event menu item. Any excluded events will not be displayed in the chart - they will be treated as if they did not happen. To re-include an event, click on the Excluded Events menu bar item.
Events expanded or excluded will be shown in the UI.
Excluding events will also affect the query performance.
Breakout Event
Let's say you currently track a Page View event, with a Page Title property. You're most likely going to care about Page View & Page Title combinations, rather than just the Page View event. In order to display event+property combinations in your Journeys visualization, click on the event in which to break out, and select the Breakout Event menu item. Then, select a property to breakout by. To undo this, click on the Events with Breakouts menu item.
At query time, an “event” in a path can include property values.