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✓ Growth ✓ Enterprise
In the Users tool, you may select to display users who “performed an event” or “are in user segment.” If you select “are in user segment,” then there are no date range or time settings, however if you select “performed an event,” then the query builder works like the other Analytics analytical tools.
The date range refers to the time period that you would like to analyze. All new queries default to the “Last 7 Days.” To open the date range selector dropdown, click on “Last 7 Days.” The start date is the first day to be included in the search. The end date is the last day.
Because the Users tool produces a list, it defaults to Full Range and you may not select a different interval.
Date Range
To select fixed start and end dates, use the date range selector on the left side of the dropdown, you may select a start date and end date from the calendar. You can also enter a specific date by clicking on the date at the top of the selector and entering a value. Use the left and right arrows to navigate the calendar. Select the “Today” checkbox to create a dynamic end date.
The right side of the dropdown lists all of the dynamic date ranges that are available. You may choose a dynamic date range, for example “Last 7 Days” or “Last Full Month.” This will automatically update the date range of your query each time you view it, counting backwards from today. If you select “Last Full Week,” then Analytics will analyze the most recent complete week, defined as Monday to Sunday. If you select “Last Full Month,” then Analytics will analyze the most recent complete month. You can quickly navigate the calendar to select full months using the links in the lower left corner of the dropdown.
To save a custom date range, for example “Last 45 Days,” simply click “Add Custom Date Range” in the lower right corner of the dropdown. Your previously used custom date ranges will be saved for future use and are viewable alongside the default dynamic date ranges.
Note: Custom relative date ranges are saved within each individual user's account, rather than for all users across a particular project.