Important: As of July 30, 2024, this page will no longer be actively maintained. Please refer to the current version of this content here.
✓ Growth ✓ Enterprise
Trends allow you to compare your Funnel results with the results from the immediately preceding date range. The difference between the periods, or the net change, is displayed beneath the total conversion rate and average conversion time in the upper left corner of the results field. Net change, indicated by the Δ symbol, is also displayed in the table at the bottom of the results field.
To enable trends, simply choose the “Trends” icon in the menu bar and select “On.”
Count vs Percent
If you select "Count," Analytics will calculate the net change in absolute numbers. For example, “there were 56 more users who completed the funnel this week than there were last week.”
If you select "Percent," Analytics will calculate the net change as a percentage. For example, “there were 35% more users who completed the funnel this week than there were last week.”
Trends Display
The net change is displayed in the upper left corner of the results field and in the table at the bottom of the results field.
If your funnel results are higher than the previous period, then the text will be green and the arrow will point upward. If your funnel results are lower than the previous period, then the text will be red and the arrow will point downward. This indicates the direction of travel. Hover over the result to see a definition of the previous date range.
In the table visualization, sometimes you will see a dash ‘-’ in the change column (represented by Δ). That does not necessarily mean that there is no change between the two date ranges but rather, there isn’t enough data for Analytics to provide you with the change. Circumstances that could produce this result include:
- The data point did not exist in the previous period.
- The data point did exist in the previous period, but was not among the top/bottom breakouts for the previous period.
Trends are not available for conversion over time funnels.