Important: As of May 21, 2024, this page will no longer be actively maintained. Please refer to the current version of this content here.
Roles enable you to manage the different permissions within your organization and its projects. You may assign different roles to your teammates, depending on your desired level of access. For example, trusted data engineers may have Admin permissions, while end users may have Member permissions. Similarly, you may limit some users to have view-only permissions. To access Roles settings by open the Account Settings dropdown- usually indicated by your initials in the top right corner of Analytics- then select “Roles”. The default roles enabled for Analytics are:
- Owner* - full edit access
- Admin** - full edit access to all projects
- Member - may not edit Organization, Projects, or Teammates
- Read Only - may not edit Organization, Projects, Teammates, or Dashboards, and View-only access for all other areas
* There may be only one Owner per project.
** Admins have access to all Projects within the Organization
You may also create a custom role by clicking “+ New Role” at the top right of the table.
To edit or modify a teammate’s role, open the Account Settings dropdown- usually indicated by your initials in the top right corner of Analytics- then select “Teammates”.
The Teammates table displays a full list of all users within your organization, including their Name, Email Address, Status, and Last Login. To view teammates within a particular project, select the dropdown in the top right, then select your desired project.
Add or Remove Teammates
To add a new teammate, select “+ New Teammate” at the top right of the table, then make your selections. Select “Add Teammate” to send an invitation directly to their email address.
To remove a teammate, locate the user within the table, then click “Remove from Project” or “Remove from Organization” at the far right. You may also use the check box to select one or more teammates, then click “Remove Selected from Project” or “Remove Selected from Organization” to remove them.
Edit Roles
To edit the role of a teammate, locate the user within the table, then click on their corresponding Role. You may select from the available options, then confirm your selection.
Teammate Status
A teammate with “Pending” status has received an invitation to join Analytics, but has joined the organization and / or project. The user should check their email inbox to complete their registration.
A teammate with “Active” status has joined the organization and / or project. No further action is required.