Need help? Say hello to the mParticle User Community đź‘‹

Meet other marketers and developers using mParticle, share and discuss ideas around various use cases, and get help with the platform and integrations from our experts in the mParticle Community on Reddit.

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Have a question or issue you can't share with the mParticle User Community?

No problem. Review our best practices for filing a support ticket and let us know what's going on.

Our team will get back to you as quickly as possible.

A brief summary of your issue.

Category the issue falls in.

The environment of your Indicative instance.

The Organization name of your instance.

The method used to login.

Your organization’s plan type.

The special permissions in the contract.

The name of your project.

The type of data.

The keys of the events or properties.

The type of data from the CSV export.

The URL of the query.

The tool and logic Indicative is being compared against. Include the SQL and/or a screenshot if applicable.

The Data Source Name can be found in Settings -> Data Sources.


Indicative dedupes data so deletions are only required if the event data is changing.

The starting date for the data replay and/or data deletion.

The ending date for the data replay and/or data deletion.

Please enter the details of your issue or question and our support staff will be right with you.

The Issue's Severity, please review the guidelines alongside each SEV value in the dropdown.

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