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✓ Growth ✓ Enterprise
Group By clauses, also referred to as Breakouts, allow you to segment data based on event properties, user properties or user segments to better understand its context. You may also visualize conversions on a per breakout level, allowing you to see which groups are performing better. Group By functions can be used to categorize users using an event property, user property, or user segment.
You may isolate each group’s conversion rate by choosing the corresponding slice of the donut in the visualization area. The Total Conversion Rate and Average Conversion Time displayed in the top left corner, and the conversion rate in the webbing between each step will change to reflect only users that are in the selected breakout.
Breakout Mode
To understand which types of users are converting, you may apply property breakouts to your Funnel analysis. In Funnel, there are two types of property breakout modes:
Per Step
An event property or user property breakout will be applied to each step individually for the entire group of users in each step. For example, a user may complete steps in a conversion funnel on a variety of devices. To explore which type of device the user used at each individual step, use Per Step.
An event property or user property will be applied to a single step and then shared across the entire funnel. For example, some of your users may enter the top of the funnel through their mobile device, whereas others may enter through their desktop computer. To compare conversion rates through the entire funnel via mobile vs. desktop, regardless of the device used in subsequent steps, use Shared and apply your breakout to the first step in the funnel.
When applying a Group By clause to a funnel analysis, you must select whether the steps are broken out by the first, last or all property attribution. The default selection is first.
- First: Use the first observed property value to attribute users to a breakout
- Last: Use the last observed property value to attribute users to a breakout
- All: Use all observed property values to attribute users to a breakout
All of the above options are subject to the selected date range for your funnel query.
Group By First or Last
When the funnel query is set to group by first or last property values, the results are grouped by the first or last time the event was observed for each user.
For example, when the query is set to “group by last”, if a particular user performs the event Blog View three times during the selected date range, the third time they performed the event is represented in the groupings in all of the donuts (because the Funnel breakout mode is Shared).
With the default (Shared) breakout settings, this Blog View grouping is applied across all of the subsequent steps in the funnel.
If you wish to see the users' last action for each step, switch the breakout mode to Each Step in Settings.
Group By All
When the funnel query is set to group by all property values, additional comma separated breakout values are created that represent all possible combinations of behaviors that users might take.
To illustrate how grouping by all users’ events works, consider three users who performed the event Download during a given time frame, and are grouped by browser:
- User A performed Download from a Mac.
- User B performed Download from a PC.
- User C performed Download from a PC, and then from an Android device.
When grouped by all values, the resulting funnel donut for these users would show three breakouts: one for Mac, one for PC, and one for PC | Android.